Join Our B2C Platform Community: Calling All Sellers and Service Providers!

Our primary mission is to empower small businesses by providing them with equal exposure and opportunities. Listing your business with us is completely FREE, without any hidden agendas. To ensure the sustainability of our platform, we rely on donations through GoFundMe. If you wish to support our cause, you are welcome to make a donation. Your contribution covers expenses and raises awareness, attracting more consumers and benefiting the community. Every donation, regardless of size, shapes a better future for small businesses and promotes retail equality. Together, we can create a business ecosystem that values fairness and transcends greed, making a positive impact today and shaping a promising future. Join our community and be a part of this transformative change.

To become a part of our thriving community, simply download this FORM, complete it, and email it back to us, along with your business license. We prioritize the well-being of our platform and strive to protect against fraud and scams, which is why we require a valid business license. If you have any questions or inquiries, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via Contact Us, phone call or text at 1-206-852-8589.

